pope francis

 **Pope Francis Labels Both U.S. Presidential Candidates as Evil, Urges American Catholics to Vote for the Lesser One**

In a bold and thought-provoking statement, **Pope Francis labelled both U.S. presidential candidates as evil**, urging American Catholics to vote for the lesser one. The Pope's message, directed at the conscience of Catholic voters, resonated deeply as he advised them to make an informed and morally guided choice between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. This extraordinary comment came during a press conference held aboard his papal aircraft, following a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania.

The pontiff’s remarks stirred a global conversation, especially as he described both **Kamala Harris and Donald Trump** as having positions that go against the sanctity of life. According to Pope Francis, the challenge for voters was to weigh the moral consequences of their vote, even when neither candidate fully aligns with Catholic teachings. By labelling both U.S. presidential candidates as evil, Pope Francis urged Catholics to make decisions based on their conscience, underlining the essential role of the electoral process.

In his critique of **Kamala Harris**' stance on abortion, the Pope did not hold back. He referred to Harris' support for abortion rights as akin to an "assassination." By calling out her advocacy for what he described as the killing of unborn children, **Pope Francis labelled Harris as evil**, stating that her stance was fundamentally against life. In contrast, the Pope also took a direct aim at Donald Trump, chastising his immigration policies, particularly his desire to deport migrants and erect barriers at the U.S. borders. In 2016, Trump and the Pope famously clashed when the Pope criticised Trump's proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border, suggesting that it was not a Christian act.

The **label of evil placed on Trump** by the Pope stems from his views on immigration, which Francis sees as a failure to uphold the dignity of human life. During the press conference, the Pope made it clear that turning away migrants is a sin, emphasising that those who reject vulnerable individuals in need are also violating core tenets of Christian compassion. Pope Francis elaborated, saying, “Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants or the one who kills children, both are against life.” This powerful statement reinforced the message that both U.S. presidential candidates embody policies that contradict Catholic moral principles.

**Pope Francis labelling both U.S. presidential candidates as evil** is a dramatic intervention in the U.S. political landscape, especially considering the significant Catholic population in America. With over 50 million Catholics in the United States, many residing in swing states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, the Pope’s words carry substantial weight. Catholic voters, particularly in these critical regions, are likely to reflect on the pontiff’s advice as they navigate the difficult decision of choosing between Harris and Trump. By calling attention to their moral responsibilities, **Pope Francis labels both U.S. presidential candidates as evil** and calls for Catholics to act in accordance with their faith.

While **Pope Francis labels both U.S. presidential candidates as evil**, his focus was not solely on their individual actions but on the broader moral implications of their policies. His criticism of Trump was deeply rooted in Catholic social teaching, which places immense value on the protection of migrants and refugees. In the Pope’s eyes, closing borders and turning people away are sins that cut to the core of Christian values. This aligns with previous instances where the Pope has expressed concern over nationalist policies and the treatment of displaced people around the world.

Meanwhile, the Pope's condemnation of **Kamala Harris' advocacy for abortion rights** as an "assassination" reflects the Vatican’s staunch opposition to any form of abortion. Pope Francis has often voiced his belief that life must be protected from conception until natural death, and Harris' pro-choice stance is seen as incompatible with this doctrine. The conflict between **Pope Francis and both U.S. presidential candidates** highlights the difficult balance Catholic voters must navigate in this election.

Interestingly, this is not the first time **Pope Francis has labelled a U.S. leader as evil or expressed disapproval** of American politics. In a 2022 interview, he openly criticised President Joe Biden’s policies on abortion, calling them incoherent. Though Biden identifies as a devout Catholic, the Pope argued that certain aspects of his administration’s policies on women’s autonomy and reproductive rights do not align with Church teachings. The Pope emphasised that while Biden’s conscience would be the final arbiter, the discrepancies between his political stance and Catholic values were concerning.

As **Pope Francis labels both U.S. presidential candidates as evil**, his comments provide a striking moral dilemma for Catholic voters in the United States. With Harris advocating for abortion rights and Trump supporting stringent immigration policies, the Pope has called for Catholics to consider which candidate represents the "lesser evil." This notion of the "lesser evil" is a term often used in Catholic moral theology, especially when making choices between two imperfect options. The Pope’s message highlights the need for voters to weigh their decisions with careful discernment, keeping their conscience and moral principles at the forefront.

The **Pope’s labelling of both U.S. presidential candidates as evil** has created waves, not only among American Catholics but across the global Catholic community. His willingness to speak so candidly about political leaders, and to challenge their views in relation to Catholic values, showcases his determination to remind believers of the significance of upholding moral integrity in every aspect of life, including politics. For American Catholics, this means that when they go to the polls, they must carefully consider which candidate aligns more closely with the core principles of their faith.

In conclusion, **Pope Francis labels both U.S. presidential candidates as evil**, offering a rare and profound critique of American political figures. By urging Catholic voters to choose the lesser of two evils, he calls for a deep reflection on the moral consequences of their vote. Whether it is Harris’ stance on abortion or Trump’s immigration policies, the Pope has made it clear that neither candidate fully embodies Catholic values, and it is up to voters to use their conscience to make the best decision for the future of the country. **Pope Francis’ labelling of both U.S. presidential candidates as evil** serves as a powerful reminder of the need to integrate faith with action, especially in moments of significant political choice.


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